Social Networking Sites

Social media nowadays is all about networking and putting yourself out there. The four social networking sites I'll be focusing on are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Out of these four sites, Facebook, in my opinion, is the site I dislike the most, but it is one of the more popular and largest sites worldwide. People all over the world use Facebook and in my opinion, it is more of use to people who like sites that aren't as complicated and more of a straight forward easy site to use which Facebook is. Secondly, we have twitter which is my most used social networking site. Twitter is great for friends and catching up with what is trending worldwide. It is a great platform to share a voice on and be heard by many who choose whether or not to be involved. You can keep up with celebrities, politicians, famous chefs, YouTubers, gamers, etc. It's a great way to keep things casual yet interesting. Instagram, on the other hand, is very popular with people because of its main focus which is likes. The like system on Instagram is something I believe should not exist because it focuses on people not enjoying the pictures they are sharing but instead the number of likes they get on a picture. People tend to become obsessed with having the perfect Instagram feed to grow in numbers and gain a bigger audience. It's a great way to keep up with friends and the story feature is also a plus when it comes to seeing updates through pictures rather than texts. Last but not least there is LinkedIn which is more of a popular professional setting compared to the other three social networking sites. People on this platform tend to keep a professional appearance because businesses are always looking for ideal candidates. It's a great way to connect with other people professionally and build up a list of connections.


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